Introduction to Class Assignments

When I first read through the blog page detailing what weekly assignments would look like, I honestly felt a little overwhelmed. I couldn't picture in my head how that would look in a normal week and was even worried that I was in over my head a bit. My worries were premature however, because when I took a look at what next week was going to look like, I completely understood what the previous page was outlining. It's quite interesting how differently people process the same information. Some people in the class were probably able to digest the more abstract discussion about assignments while others needed a concrete example like I did. It's important to remember that while every person has a preference for how they process information, the strongest learners combine methods. Perhaps this class will better my abilities to process more abstract information. Below is an infographic outlining some of the different ways we learn:

(Image found on ELearning Infographics)


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